Highly-profitable import-export business ideas
Are you considering to start your own export-import business? It is a good idea, the world is more open than ever before, trading or import-export is booming. Small export business can be very lucrative if you are executing a great export-import business idea.
But you don’t know what kind of import-export business ideas are actually good? If YES, then this article will give you more than 20 most profitable import-export business ideas. Each of those could be your starting point for your own export import business.
All import-export business ideas listed in this article are proven to be highly profitable.
FREE Export-Import business course includes the following lessons:
- How to start as a direct exporter/importer
- How to start as a commission agent
- The best way to approach selling & finding customers
- The biggest mistake beginners are doing
- Guidelines to help you decide your next steps & taking action
Before we look at the export-import business ideas more closely, let’s look first at the import-export business or trading business generally. It is useful to be familiar with what you are going to deal with and what is the potential of this type of business.
Also, take a look at our exporters/importers guide & resources– this has been designed to give you an action plan, with small steps. Each step has resources for you.
Related reading: How to select an awesome name for export-import company
The short history of export-import business
Import-export business or trading business is one of the oldest types of business in the world. There has been always a need for different commodities by different countries. Different nations and tribes have been specialized in different commodities and products since very ancient times.
One country or territory was rich in metal ore and another maybe has meat and fruits. So these two sides started to exchange their products. At first, this kind of exchange transactions ( barter transactions) has been done between neighbor countries, territories or tribes
Later on, the sea transport develops soo far, that it was possible to take long distances by the sea and even discover new continents. Then this was basically the beginning of international trading ( export-import business).
Development of transportation, especially sea-transport, sea-ports, and inland infrastructure were the biggest impactors what fired up the growth of international trading as an export-import business. This created many new import-export business ideas and opportunities.
Export-import business is one of the oldest types of businesses out there. Also, it won’t disappear, until there are different countries with different resources and conditions and borders, then there will be always international trade.
Export-import business exists because of differences.
- Different climate
- different natural resources and availability
- different development level
Related reading: Import-export business (exhaustive guide)
All these 3 previous facts cause that different countries are still specializing in different products today. One country has advanced technology and another has low-cost raw materials. One has fruits and spices, other has wood. Differences always create new opportunities and give you new import-export business ideas.
Export-import business nowadays
Nowadays international trade as import-export business is one of the biggest industries in the world.
Based on Eurostat euro-indicators 154/2017 – 16 October 2017. The first estimate for euro area (EA19) exports of goods to the rest of the world in August 2017 was €171.5 billion, an increase of 6.8% compared with August 2016 (€160.6 bn).
Imports from the rest of the world stood at €155.4 bn, a rise of 8.6% compared with August 2016 (€143.1 bn).

Goods traded between the European Union and the rest of the world are in stable growth. Growth is good for all of the players in the business.
4 Biggest exporters and importers are:
If you are from some developing country in Asia, for example, India, then you should be considering exporting to these 4 countries first. Especially you should look to export to the European Union on the first hand.
The European Union is the best possible market for people from South East Asia, India, and Africa. The European Union has the lowest import duties in the world. The EU is most open for exporters from developing countries.
Start export import business from home
It is interesting to point out that most of the exports and imports are being made by small and middle-size companies, not by big corporations. This means, that you don’t need to be the huge multinational company if you want to get started. You can run your export business or import business even from home!
Yes! In the digital age, you can plan, do the market research, decide your products, fulfill the orders, collect payments all from home. You can start export import business from home as a side project, meantime keeping your daily-job.
Related reading: How to start export/import business from home- step-by-step
Now let us dive in best import-export business ideas!
20+ best Import-export business ideas
Now, after you have a brief overview of the import-export business, its time to look closely at the best import-export business ideas that are highly profitable.
1.Export-import sourcing agent – one of the easiest import-export business ideas
This import-export business idea is one of the easiest and affordable ones for getting started in export-import business. This form has grown out from the export-import agent and it is a more simple form.
Here agent is sourcing a product, supplier or buyer for the client and usually gets a one-time fee for this.
This is an excellent way to get started. You get valuable knowledge, experiences and also connections that you can later utilize. You don’t need much experience to get started as a sourcing agent.
Your lesson is to find an overseas company who is looking the sourcing service. You need to make sure what are their exact requirements and demands. After all is clear, you need to sign a sourcing agreement with your client, where also your fee is set.
Then you need to start sourcing based on the requirements. You need to contact the original supplier and producers in your country. You also need to visit the suppliers and check their products to make sure it meets your customer demands.
After you have found the supplier, buyer or product what your customer is looking for, then it is your time to present the details and you will get paid.
There are many places online, where sourcing agents can list themselves to get regular clients.
We have Premium online course ” Zero to first deal” which will show you step-by-step, how to find clients and get started.
An export-import sourcing agent is one of the easiest import-export business ideas. Like this, you can easily start your export import business from home, with small costs.
2.Export-import agent – one of the easiest import-export business ideas
This import-export business idea is also called as an export-import broker. This is an affordable way of getting started in export-import business and build up a regular commission fee streams.
The export-import agent is making a commission fee from the exporter of the product or also imported. The Commission fee is % of the total value of the transaction executed.
The export-import agent is “matchmaker”. You have one side, let’s say, exporter, in your country who is looking to find more overseas buyers. The export-import agent is signing a commission agreement and start looking, buyers.
If you have the buyer who is ready to buy with given price, then you will bring sides together. The payment has been done to the supplier in your country. Secondly, the supplier is obligated paying out the agreed commission fee.
Similarly, it is possible to earn a commission fee from importing transactions. You as an export-import agent need to find a low-cost supplier from another country. If your client ( buyer) is ready to buy from the supplier you had found, then the buyer should also pay the commission fee to you.
For an export-import agent, two things are crucially important to protect your commission fee.
- Commission agreement must be solid and well proved.
- You need to keep good relations with your clients and always offer them value.
We have an article that shows you 2 main strategies on how to protect commission fee.
Like an import-export sourcing agent, this is also one of the easiest import-export business ideas. The next ones will be more complex.
We have a free webinar about export/import agency business and what you could expect from it and to which kind of people it actually fits for, it is below. There we also list the factors of success.
Check out also our full, comprehensive export/import business agency course.
3.Direct exporting
Direct exporting is another import-export business idea and is the traditional way to start an export-import business. You need to directly buy or produce and export the products.
This is most risky but its also possible to make the biggest profit. It is common that people from developing countries like India or China make fortune with direct exporting.
Exporting is lucrative because sometimes local prices are way lower than the export prices are. For example, If you want to start a direct export-import business in India, then you need to know very well, what kinds of goods are exported from India. With direct export business, product selection is very important.
NB! For everyone, who considers starting any kind of import-export business, we suggest reading our article about import and export procedures and documentation.
Important for direct exporting
1. Extremely important is to select the right products for your exporting business. Need to do proper market analyze. You need to select the product(s) that are no 1 suitable for you and no 2 with sufficient profit potential. If you select the wrong product, then you may end up making very little profit or even not able to find buyers.
We have an article “17 highly profitable business opportunities” about the most profitable products for exporting for people from developing countries.
2. Secondly, it is very wise to analyze the export-import data and make sure what countries are the biggest importers of the products that you are looking to export. You need to find the right target countries for your products.
If you are from developing countries like India, South Africa, or other Asian, African nations, then most definitely your target market should be the European Union. But you need to dig deeper and select exact target countries in Europe.
3. Thirdly you need to know, how to reach to the genuine international buyers. This is the hardest part, you should not buy the list of buyers online. You need to know the best ways how to reach to the RIGHT buyers and how to build the trust and relationship so you can finally close the deal.
To really succeed in the export business or export-import business, marketing plays a very important role in this. Making sure, who exactly are your customers and what and why they want from you, will give you a foundation block for your export-import business.
We suggest to read more about export marketing: Learn about export marketing here.
P.S Read also, why foreign buyers won’t buy from you, even you have a great product with a great price.
4.Direct importing
Also a quite easy import-export business idea, the traditional way to get started in export import business. Usually importing and then reselling in your country is easier than exporting. It is easier because you know your home country market better than export markets. You are able to conclude deep market research and select the right product for importing and reselling.
If you are from a developing country, then very definitely you can look to import western brands, food and beverage and high tech from European Union countries.
You should have the selling network or reseller already waiting before you invest in the products you are going to import.
Like with direct exporting, you need enough money to buy/produce a product and also for selling the network. Most importantly, make sure you select a product properly.
Read, how we make 100,000 US$ with about 6 months, trough importing from China. This case study shows you well what is the real potential of importing business!
5.Online exporting
Who hasn’t heard of Amazon, eBay? It is possible to import products in bulk and then sell those online with great markup. You can analyze the trends and make sure what is selling well, so you can import those in bulk and sell online.
You can open an online store on Amazon, eBay, Aliexpress and make great pictures and product description and also add your private label- what will be your brand.
Selling online is great for small and light items what you can deliver by air. Fashion products, clothes, handbags, toys all those are the great examples of what all can be sold online.
It is common, that people are finding producer lets say in China and they let them make the custom-design for them and add a private label. Branding and great design are very important in selling online because these can help you stand out from the crowd.
Selling online need specific skills and knowledge, like online marketing, SEO, content creation for your online store, integrating the technology, like online payments, CRM, tracking system etc. This is a rising trend nowadays and more and more offline sellers are going online as well.
This export-import business idea belongs to those types of import-export business ideas, where you need special skills and knowledge and also experiences, to become successful.
To start selling products online, first thing you need is a business website. Your own Website will be your own main platform.
No matter, as an importer, exporter, you need a website. We advise buying your domain name as soon as possible.
We use by ourselves and we highly recommend Bluehost, this is is really a one-stop-shop. you can have your website domain, your business email, you can also host and build your site and online shop there and much more. And it is cheap!
Check in the white box above, is your favorite website domain name available and take it now! This is the main starting point for you!
6. Selling craft online
This import-export business idea is not for mass production. Are you producing amazing and beautiful hand-made products?
If so then this is your chance to start selling those to the whole world through an online store.
Jute-made laptop bags, handmade clothes, wood-work, ceramics, glass ornaments all these items can be sold online nowadays.
This is one of the greatest import-export business ideas, opportunities for people from developing countries to start making great money. In old days this kind of products was only sold with low price at your home country-
But now, it is possible to sell those unique products to the whole world and get great money from this.
For craft selling, there are places like Etsy.com. You can open an online store for your amazing hand-work there and sell those as totally unique products. Handicraft is always unique and extraordinary and people deserve premium prices for such a product. With these places, the biggest issues is these places won’t belong you and
That’s why we still suggest, start from your own personal online store first.
Your own online belongs to you and you can create and manage it as you wish.
You can have your online shop, business email after you have your domain name. You can choose and buy it now, below in Bluehost. We use it by ourselves and it really is amazing.
Or start from choosing your domain name from here.
7. Dropshipping (Innovative export/import business idea)
If you want to sell online, but you don’t want to deal with inventory physically, then there is an option for you as well. Dropshipping is a new way to sell online and is very popular.
Drop shipper is basically only doing marketing and branding through his own online store, but he/she never has a stock. After payment comes through, then seller forwards part of it together with customer address and order details to the original suppliers/producer. The original producer then ships the product to the drop-shipper client directly.
Drop shipper keeps the profit margins and only deals with online marketing and selling and never touches the product himself.
But we don’t suggest to start drop-shipping before you haven’t try to sell online and also checked the quality of the products first. Drop-shipping is an online business and requires knowledge and experiences about content marketing, SEO, WordPress, payment systems etc.
If you want to start a drop-shipping business, then there is Shopify. This is a common platform that gives you all the tools you need for drop-shipping business from one place.
But again, Shopify is not your shop, you won’t own it, you cant have full control over it.
Easiest and best way is still again, create your own online store, which belongs to you. Also, you don’t pay a monthly payment to the memberships.
If you not jet taken your domain name ( which is the first step), then you should take it now. After you have it, you can start building your store immediately. choose and take your domain name today, below:
Or, go directly to the Bluehost page for selecting and registering your domain name now, from here.
PS! Export-import business ideas in points 5-7 are ideal for those who wish to start export import business from home, with low costs.
NB! Note for exporters and importers. There are also risks involved in import-export business. We have an article that explains the risks and issues and we also show how to hedge the risks. the biggest risks in import-export business
8. Warehouse renting for importers and exporters
If you have money or property near to the sea-ports, railway stations or airports, then there exists a business opportunity for you. Companies that are importing or exporting products are in need for warehouses. They need a place where to keep their products, so it is convenient and fast to send products to port or airport or to the railway.
Importers need a warehouse because they need a contribution center, from where it is rational to send products out to their clients and resellers
This is one of the hot import-export business ideas if you are able to buy the property or have it near busy airports, railway stations, and sea-ports. There will be always needed for such warehouses and the ROI is great.
9. Freight forwarding for exporters and importers
If you know a lot about shipping, logistics, and transports and have connections, then it is possible to start providing freight forwarding services to exporters and importers.
Some exporters and importers don’t want to deal with transport organizing and also they don’t know where the approach to get the best prices for their freights. You as a freight forwarder have direct contracts with direct shipping lines and you will get the best prices from them. You will help importers and exporters organize the freights from point A to point B and you will get your fee for these services.
This kind of business requires only organizing and communications and you don’t need much money to start this business. But you need to know about international transport and logistics and have great connections so you are able to provide the best offers to your clients.
You can organize freights by Sea, Air and even by railway.
10. Custom agent
If you know a lot about import and export customs, taxation and regulations and customs procedures? Then you can sell your customs agent/broker services. Importers and exporters don’t want to deal with filling the complex import or export declarations and communicate with authorities.
You don’t need much money for this, but you need to know enough about this field and sometimes you need to be certified before you can offer this kind of service.
This is a work with documents and regulations. You can fill the declarations and represent your customers in custom to help them finish the import or export procedures and even help them pay the duties.
Related: Import-export documentation and procedures
11. Custom warehousing
If importers have loads of containers arriving to the border, then the next step is, these products need to be transported to special custom-warehouses. Customer warehouses are the special warehouses where importer can keep their products before the import customs procedures are finished.
Customs warehouses are places what are strictly controlled and inspected by country authorities and custom warehouse keepers are listed in the country custom bureau. You also need a special license to keep such warehouses and offer your services.
12. Export-import consultant
If you have done the export-import business by yourself and have gain practical experience in this field, then you can also sell your knowledge and expertise. You can advise newbies who are starting out. You can help them solve the issues and problems they face.
Most of the people are just theoretics, who just have studied international trade or business in university, but few people have actually done the export-import business in real life.
There is a demand for practical experiences. If you are experienced then you can open your consulting company and start helping newbies who are just getting started.
As experienced entrepreneurs, we are also offering to you:
The Export import business mentoring
Export-import business consulting
practical export-import training courses
This belongs to one of those import-export business ideas, where you need previous experiences, to execute it. It is not enough when you studied international trade and business in University. Practical experiences and insider know-how are far more important to succeed as a consultant in the import-export business.
13. Investing in export-import ventures
If you have free cash available, then there is an opportunity. You can offer investment services for new or existing export-import ventures. New companies need investment to buy the products and get started. Already existing businesses need extra investment for growing and expanding their business.
Very often, new and small ventures are not able to get funds from banks, so here is an opportunity for investors.
But if you really want to invest, you need to be able to analyze the venture and its profit and ROI potential. You should be also familiar with the market and export-import businesses.
This is something that you can do if you have done the export-import business previously. Then you are familiar with the risks and specifics about this type of business.
14. Export/import insurance broker
If you are well aware of the risks involved in the export-import business, especially risks in delivery, freights and damages, then you can offer insurance services for exporters and importers.
You can do this directly if you have a lot of cash. But most often, you can be an agent and sell other insurance companies services and make a profit from this. You need to establish relations with insurance providers and negotiate good terms for yourself. You should have many potential partners ( insurance providers).
Your lesson is to find exporters and importers and get the best insurance solutions for them.
15. Export/import inspection
Many overseas companies need some local company or person do the inspection of the supplier/factory. They need that before they make payments. This is similar to the sourcing agent but focuses more on the factory or product inspection.
This is very widely common In China. There are a lot of scammers and cheaters in China who present them as direct suppliers but who are actually just trading companies or scammers. Because of the language barrier, it is very hard for the foreign company to inspect that company.
Inspection plays a very important role in export-import business. Usually, the foreign importer does not agree to pay for the goods if the proper inspection hasn’t concluded.
This is a great opportunity for local companies and entrepreneurs. You can offer inspection services and get a good fee for this. You can visit your country suppliers, check their background and production and then analyze and give feedback to the foreign buyer.
There are places online where you can list yourself as an inspection provider.
16. Export-import directory
You can build an online or offline resource ( database) about companies who are exporting or importing. One-time or membership fee for being listed in your directory can be charged
Companies are interested in being listed in your directory can give them new buyers and clients. You need to promote your directory, to bring more visitors and interested companies to your site. The more popular your directory is, the more value it provides and the more other companies want to be listed. Alibaba started as an online directory and it has grown to the world largest online platform. In India the Indiamart is similar.
17. Export-import marketer
If you are good at marketing online and offline, then you can offer your marketing services for exporters and importers.
You can help companies with branding and to reach them to the bigger amount of customers. Most of the small exporters and importers are terrible in export import business marketing. It is because they don’t have time and knowledge about how to market their products to get more buyers and export orders from overseas. They are more focusing on manufacturing the great products.
Your lesson is to make sure how to reach to your customer clients. How to present products, create and execute marketing campaigns. Finally, make prospects want to buy products from your customer. If you can increase your customer sales remarkably, then you can ask premium fees.
If you are really good at marketing, then this import-export business idea can be very lucrative. But again, you really need to be good at marketing.
Nowadays knowledge of online marketing strategies is crucial. Knowledge about SEO, Social media, content marketing, and paid ads are crucial to help your clients sell more.
Related reading: Export-import marketing helps to bring orders
18. Logistics expert
You can help local exporters and importers with organizing their inland logistics and transport operations in an optimized way. Small exporters and importers don’t have time and sometimes either knowledge, how to optimize their logistics. You can save money for them, from transport and warehouse costs and also make their business run more smoothly.
If you are experienced in logistics and have great connections in this field, then this is a viable business idea for you
19. Export-import market researcher
Analyzing local market for making sure what could be imported and analyzing some foreign export markets to make sure what can be exported to there – is detailed work. This is also a very important work, before making important decisions.
Unfortunately, small exporters and importers don’t have time and knowledge to conclude proper market analyze. Sometimes decisions about what to export or import are being made based on the very brief market information. Sometimes this can lead the company to costly mistakes.
If you are good at researching markets and collection, analyzing the data, then you can provide market research services to the local companies and also to foreign companies. This is a very good import-export business idea and opportunity which can give you a lucrative profit.
20. Road transport provider for export-import companies
If you have enough free cash, there here is another related import-export business idea. You can have trucks and lorries and vans and start providing road transport services for exporters and importers.
usually, the companies who are exporting and importing, don’t have their own trucks and vehicles to arrange the transport. Still, companies need regular services, always some load of goods or container needs to be transported from Point A to B.
You can either start contacting the direct exporters or importers to be their regular service provider. Also, you can contact with freight forwarders who are directly working with the exporters/importers.
21. Exporting software products to foreign countries
This business model is especially lucrative for people from India. In India, there are a lot of qualified software engineers. Because Average Indian software engineer still earns much lower, that he/she could earn in European countries or In the USA, then there exist good business opportunity.
Build a small team of IT engineers and start producing software products to foreign companies and export software products to foreign country companies. A lot of European companies need apps, websites and other software products and they agree to outsource it from foreign countries.
This classifies as a service export, in this case, you do not need any kind of export license. You are developing software and delivering that to your client online.
How to choose the best import-export business ideas for you?
Above was a list of the great import-export business ideas, but you also need to know, how to choose the one and only. If you want to know, what kinds of export-import business you should start, then consider the following aspects.
- What is your experience base and education? For example, if you know well about logistics and custom, then you can start providing needed services for other exporters and importers.
- Consider, how much you can invest. If you can’t invest much, then consider starting as an export-import agent, or selling online.
- Do you have business skills or experiences? If you have, then you can take a bigger risk and why not to start a direct export business. If you don’t have the experience, then choose this kind of import-export business idea, which is less risky.
- Do you know very well some product or industry? For example, if you know very well about agriculture and agriculture products, then you can consider starting looking export import business ideas from this field.
We hope previous points gave you the right direction for choosing the right export-import business ideas for you. Having the right business idea is the first step toward to your own successful export-import business or any kind of business!
Conclude a comprehensive export-import business plan.
After you have chosen your idea(s), we also suggest concluding in-depth research, analyze and create your export/import business plan. A business plan can give you directions and focus which helps to execute your business idea successfully.
Export/import business plan can be also very helpful when you need funding for your export-import business idea, or for convincing partners for your business. Read more here: how to make an export-import business plan.
Getting export orders for your new business
Now, no matter, what kind of export-import business you are going to start. You need to be able to find customers, get export orders, purchase orders for your business. We have also written an article, about how to get export orders and how to process and fulfill them, so your new clients will become your regular clients! All start from planning and you can read more about how to get export orders here: How to get export orders and fulfill them.
Above were some of the most profitable import-export business ideas in the export-import industry nowadays. Before described import-export business ideas are also the most stable ones.
You can be sure, that those import-export business ideas won’t disappear anytime soon and there is real money to be made in those businesses!
FREE Export-Import business course includes the following lessons:
- How to start as a direct exporter/importer
- How to start as a commission agent
- The best way to approach selling & finding customers
- The biggest mistake beginners are doing
- Guidelines to help you decide your next steps & taking action
If you want to start exporting or importing products and want to know what are the most profitable product ideas, then you will like our other articles above:
-India exports and most exported products
–What products and how to export Dubai
–Vietnam export-import opportunities
–Best export/import opportunities for Indians and Asians
Or, if you need more help and ideas, to select the best business, what is worthy to start, then also check out this article here: Most profitable business in India.
Hint: Best business in India and the most profitable business in India, is still an Export-import business.
if you have been selecting the right product for your export-import business, then it is also important, that you are doing all the steps in the correct order.
In order to help with this, We have created the exporters/importers guide with resources. As best export import-business ideas are useless if you don’t know how to form it into an export business plan and execute it properly.
For further learning, we suggest to read our article about how to start an export business, there is a step by step instructions for you. And also go check our export-import business courses and training programs below:
You are advised to take courses and use the resources and tools listed below:
- Export/import agency business course (start as an agent or agency from scratch)
- Sales mastery online course (unleash your sales potential and start getting customers)
- Export-import business courses and programs
- Most popular online exim course: “Zero to first deal“
- Resources and action plan for exporters/importers, online sellers.
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