Learn online, how to start and grow your import-export business
Are you looking to start your own import-export business as a commission agent or direct exporter/importer? Or do you already have a business but are struggling to find customers or closing orders? Or perhaps you face challenges with product or supplier selections, securing payments, business contracts, documentation, or international logistics? Or do you wish to expand your business and rise its profitability?
Whatever issues or concerns you have regarding the export-import business, our online export/import business courses, programs and services will help you at every stage and step of your journey, no matter where you are located or from. At exportimportpractical, all the programs and courses are designed and made by real entrepreneurs, based on their real and valuable business experiences and practices.
Our courses and programs are designed as practical and complete “roadmaps and instructions”, which can be implemented in your own business as you go through these. Our premium courses are supported by real-life examples and one-on-one support.
But why start an import export business first of all?
The answer is: Import-export business is straightforward, risks can be relatively low and no need much capital to start, if you start as an export-import agent. Same time it is possible to build a highly-profitable business.
Some benefits of import-export business:
- You don’t need a unique business idea.
- Suitable for side income but it is possible to build a stable $$$ multi-million dollar business, which is sellable for a life-changing amount of money.
- It is possible to get positive results relatively fast (if you are working consistently).
- It’s possible to start at home and with a very small investment (as an agent).
- There is possible to start with almost no financial risks (as an agent).
- Import-export business Is a traditional and one of the oldest business model. It won’t disappear anytime soon ( no matter what’s happening in geopolitics or economy) until there exist different cultures, different countries, and nations. Import-export or international trade timeline goes back to ancient times.
Most famous importers and exporters were the great explorers like Marco Polo and C.Columbus, so the roots of this type of business goes back to very old times.
The new opportunities in the export-import business
Now in international trade, there will appear new import-export possibilities and trends for people and companies from different countries. The following are just some tendencies that are happening right now.
- Other Asian countries, like India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and South American, and middle east countries can replace China’s decreasing export of low-end products to the European Union. There is a big demand in the European Union for low-cost products and raw materials from those countries.
- For people from China, it means, there are now new possibilities to import western brands into China. China is importing more and more every year now from Europe. Some of the hot products are food and beverage, high-tech, and environmental products.
- For people from Europe and USA, now it’s time to start importing from other low-cost countries. China is already expensive, it’s time to look to Vietnam, India, the Philippines, South America, and some African countries. And same time also look for opportunities to export western products to China and India.
- Agencies and solo commission agents are gaining popularity. An agent is more competitive in the market than a direct exporter/importer, while capital requirements and risks are lower.
- Due to changes and new trends in the economy, new sectors and industries are emerging. new and growing industries offer new trading opportunities (as agents and direct merchants). For some examples: lithium batteries, renewable energy production equipment, electrical vehicles.
Got excited about starting your own export-import business as an agent or direct trader? For start, you can join our introductory export-import business course, and read our blog, no matter where you are from.
For more advanced people, who already know the basics about export/import business and are ready to take the next step, we would suggest enrolling in our premium import-export courses or coaching. To learn more about and join some of our export-import business courses and mentoring programs, you can visit our programs.
How we can help you start & grow your international business
In our online export-import business courses & programs and free materials, we focus on the key topics:
Specialization and selection of products
Specialization and choosing the right niche and products is one of the most important success factors for new businesses. It is also one of the main stages where start-up entrepreneurs get stuck. This topic we handle in our free materials and in our youtube channel. In our online export/import business courses and programs, we propose logical and easy-to-follow roadmaps about how to conduct specialization.
Sales and marketing
Sales & marketing are vital in any business, because only these activities will bring you customers and sales (if done right). Sales and marketing related topics you can find in our free materials as well in our programs and courses. In our online export/import business courses and programs, we address it extensively and thoroughly by providing tools, resources, methods, systems and the currently best working business practices. All this through practical examples and instructions.
Starting and operating as a commission agent
Acting as an agent or agency can be an extremely profitable and low-risk business. This business model is also recommended for start-up entrepreneurs. However, becoming an agent ( who also closes deals) – doesn’t happen overnight. In our free materials and courses and programs we handle all aspects, procedures and specifics of the agency business, for every stage.
Contracting and documentation in international business
No matter, are you acting as a commission agent of suppliers/buyers, or you are a direct exporter or importer – contracts, documents and procedures are crucial for your export import company! we explain how international supply chain management works. In our courses and materials we are explaining the most important and common documents in international business.
Validation of customers and suppliers
Finding customers and suppliers is important, but you can’t get over or around checking and validating companies. We handle and explain specific procedures and rules, which should definitely be followed to make sure that the business partner is trustworthy. This important topic we are handling in our free materials as well as in online export/import business courses.
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