How to determine the best export import training course
Are you looking best export import training course or program?
You have an idea, to start an export-import business, but you haven’t found the best import export training course jet? Is it hard to find best import export training or course what is really helpful?
Well… it is ok because this educational article will show you exactly, how to determine THE BEST export import training course. We show you what really works and help you get started successfully ASAP.
Everyone, who is looking to start an export import business, and is searching that perfect import export training, should know about the following first – HOW to determine is the particular export import training course really helpful or not.
Because let’s face it, there are so many export import training courses and materials nowadays. There are online and offline training programs. Are export import ebooks and video tutorials, there are also audio versions. There are free material and there are paid materials.
It is not easy, to decide which option is worth of your time and hard-earned money. Especially, if you are a newbie, then you don’t know yet “what you don’t know”.
Fresh people don’t know where to put attention.
I still remember, when I first started in export business…
There were so many questions and all the material what was out there seemed to be just theoretical, general and not helpful. I felt just wasting my time and money learning all the stuff that actually doesn’t help me enough.
Here is the deal.
Now, after being in export business for a long time, having a lot of experience, we know exactly what is helpful and what is not.
We would show you exactly where to pay attention to. What to consider in order to choose the best export import training course for you.
After this article, you will know exactly what kind of export-import training you need, keep reading.
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Below is all that you need to know.
1. Certification after export import training is not so important

Diploma or certificate is overvalued in the export import business
Some people still believe, that if they get the certification/diploma after finishing the export import course, then this program must be really good and helpful. This is the WRONG understanding
It is only true in some cases when you want to make a career in the export-import company. Sometimes the hiring manager may request, that you have some kind of formal certification.
But, if you want to start an export import business of your own, then this certification is useless! No business partner will ask, do you have certification or not.
Also, usually, if you get the certification, then this means, that this program must be costly. it is because having the right to issue the certificate also cost money.
But the certificate is not in correlation with the actual success. Means that certificate won’t mean that this particular export import training course will actually help you become successful in business.
TIP.1: So, if you are looking for great export import training program, don’t pay too much attention how many certificates the provider has or which “fancy” paper you will get after the course.
2. export import training shall be made by entrepreneurs
Export import course should be practical!
This means you need to learn: what, how and when to do to become successful in export business. You no need a general overview by theoretics of what to do.
Starting and growing Export import business is 100% practical and dynamical combination of subjects. This need practical experiences to be successful in this. Practical experiences are more important than theoretical knowledge in this field.
Many people may disagree with this statement. But let us face the facts, a lot of the successful entrepreneurs, never formally studied business, economics or related disciplines before. They don’t have any certificate or diploma.
Most of these successful entrepreneurs even didn’t graduate college! Examples are such great persons like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg ( Co-founder of Facebook), Robert Kiyosaki, Michale Dell ( founder of Dell computers) and the list is very long…
They all are self-made entrepreneurs. Those entrepreneurs learned through trials and errors until finally succeeded. Mos of them didn’t believe in formal education and diplomas.
And those self-made, practical entrepreneurs are also the best possible teachers and mentors out there.
Because their practical experiences are enormously valuable, this is something that no university lector can teach you.
It is the same in export-import business. Most of the people who are successful here have learned it by themselves in a hard way. They made lots of trials and errors until they have enough practical experience to succeed.
Why is that? I think, one big reason is, that if you practice (take real action steps), then you will also learn the theory naturally and much more deeply also you start to see the connections.
You start to see real export business opportunities and possibilities and patterns. With those, no theory won’t help you.
For me, I confess that practical experiences what I have gained had been taken me much further in business than the theory what I learned in business university. You can learn shortly about me here.
Actually, after being in business practically I started to truly understand some concepts of theory, what I didn’t deeply understand in university.
So, there are two kinds of learnings: Theoretical and practical. I think in business, the theory is overvalued and practical action and experiences undervalued. Also, it is scarier to take real action, but it is a MUST! In case you want to become successful as an entrepreneur.
On the other hand, a lot of people who study business in university, never become entrepreneurs. Because there are too much theory and less practice. Most of the lectures are theoretics, they don’t have any business experiences under their belt.
So, you need export import course or export import training to be practical and made by practical people.
All of our export-import business courses, programs, and resources are made by practical people. All of our current online export import courses are practical and will remain so in future.
Practical experiences are extremely valuable, rare and few people agree to share those
Everyone can put together an export-import training course what is only theoretical. Everyone has access to the theory. A lot of the online programs available now are only theoretical – made by lectures ( teachers). They only know the theory but may have 0 experience as entrepreneurs.
But there are very few people who actually experienced in the export import business. Those valuable experiences are extremely valuable and helpful for newbies who want to start an export import business of their own.
Most of the theory is accessible for free, you can find theoretical information for free in google. You can make a list of the subjects what you need to learn and find a book or other theoretical material for this.
But few entrepreneurs agree to share their practical experiences and build a practical export import training courses.
This is the secret sauce of our programs– all our export training programs are practical and made by real entrepreneurs. We share things and experiences what you can’t find anywhere else. Those practical experiences can save you from costly mistakes, help avoid export risks and make your path to the success much easier.
TIP.2: If you are searching best export import training program or course, make sure it is made by real export import entrepreneurs. At least includes material what based on real business experiences by export import entrepreneurs.
3. Make sure, persons behind the export import training courses has real experiences in export-import business
In the last point, we explained how important this really is that you can learn from real entrepreneurs. But in the internet, everyone can claim themselves to be whoever they want…So there are a lot of fraud and scammers out there.
So, how to make sure you won’t get scammed?
You should at first, read the export import training providers free material, such as blog posts, free export import courses, before making any payment. Like this, you can make sure, does the provider has real experiences in an export-import field or not.
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As we mentioned before, real and practical experiences are very rare!
You can also read and google about the provider. Check does the pictures, photos, materials as the proofs of his/her previous business experiences. Are these real or seemed to be fake?
Also, you should pay attention to the reviews, feedbacks, and testimonials about the provided export import training courses and programs.
The available business mentoring option is a good sign about the reliability of the export-import training provider.
Because, if a person doesn’t have enough experiences is his field, then he/she cant offer personal mentoring. So usually people with none or insufficient experiences never offer private mentoring. It is because of they afraid of failure and damages their reputation.
Only entrepreneurs can be business mentors.
In exportimportpractical we have both: We have online export import courses and we have personal export import mentoring as well.
TIP.3: Make sure provider has the real business background, business mentoring and reliable proof about his experiences.
4. Export import training programs must be practical!
Lets high light this once again, this is one of the most important factors of what to consider. Is the import export training course practical or is it just theoretical stuff??
Sad truth is, that most of the export-import training programs are too theoretical. They may cover the international trading, export-import procedures, logistics, economics, financials, export marketing. Previous are also important, but not enough to become successful in export-import business.
So, what we mean with practical export import training course?
- Practical training is this kind of training, what includes actionable steps and instructions on what people can actually implement.
At first, you learn theory and then you will get practical lessons/instructions/steps what you need to solve or implement.
Export training should include practical steps what you can implement ( in the right order). Steps will take you closer to the success, step by step as you follow them trough.
Only entrepreneurs can point out those action steps in the right order because they have practically done it already, by themselves.
A lot of the online courses just include theoretical material. Those are like chapters, one ends second starts, you can only read and remember. Like this, it is hard to implement what you learned.
All export import courses and programs of the Exportimportpractical include practical lessons and instructions after each module. All those help people practice and move further to the success.
TIP.4: Always make sure the export-import training course include practical steps and instructions what you can implement,
5. The export import business program should include the following 4 most important PRACTICAL topics
it is important, that the export import training course includes all relevant topics and subjects. In other words no bullshit, only important topics.
Before you look at traditional subjects, like Logistics, Customs, payments, marketing, finances (which are also important) there is something more important.
You will only succeed in export-import business if you have the answers to the following 4 questions:
- What products should you export or import in your country, to make a maximum profit?
- To which countries should you export or import from?
- How to effectively reach to the buyers/suppliers and close the deals?
- What are the trends, strategies, approaches in export-import that are actually working nowadays?
Previous 4 are actually the most important questions. If you have answers to those then you will have a successful business, if no, then no business.
Also, the previous 4 are the most common questions and problems what actually stop people starting their own export import business.
Just look screenshot from one of our surveys below:

main problems when starting export import business
Sounds familiar right? If you have the same questions, then you are not alone.
Those problems are continuously mentioned in our surveys.
That’s why our site and our programs exist, to help people overcome those questions and help them start their own export-import business successfully.
All other topics ( logistics, payments, customs, contracting, marketing, international trade, finances, law, etc) you can learn even for free, from Google. Still, those are useless if you don’t have answers to the previous 4.
No lectures or journalists can answer those questions because they have no experience in this business. Only real entrepreneurs (insiders) know how to answers those questions.
Most of the online and offline courses won’t help you with those 4 topics.
Our practical online course Zero to first deal puts extra effort to help you with these extremely important questions.
TIP.5: always start with those 4 topics and make sure export course help you with those.
6. Good export import training should contain personal support
During the export import course, there may appear many questions and issues. We believe, that this is very important that during the export import training program, the student has some kind of support. Should be possible to ask questions and get support and advice.
In our online courses, we have email, Skype, and WhatsApp support. When a person feels, that something is not clear or he faces issues when implementing some of our practical instruction, then he can always send us an inquiry and our specialists are happy to help and advice.
Sadly, most of the online courses won’t include support option. And offline export import courses have even more poor support because the lecturer can’t answer everyone’s questions.
TIP.6: Make sure export import training programs or course has personal or group support option.
Online or offline export import training course?
As an addition to the previous six points, we would also consider some pros and cons of the offline and online export import training courses and programs.
Online export import training courses have more advantages than offline classes
In today’s digital world, we are living like in a “global village”. This gives us an opportunity to learn from people who are thousands of miles away from us. This is very valuable because this will enrich your knowledge. You can learn from people who are from different cultures and countries.
Online you can learn this kind of knowledge, this kind of experiences what maybe not available in your country. This is the biggest advantage of online export import training courses.
Entrepreneurs from Europe or USA may have such knowledge and practical experiences what nobody doesn’t have in India example. You may get new export-import business ideas.
Learning export import business from Entrepreneurs from Europe can give you even a competitive advantage. Imagine, that you can learn about some new interesting trend in Europe about export import business what your competitors dot know. This can mean great profits for you because others Exporters are just not aware of this.
Learning export import online is also usually much cheaper than offline. It is cheaper, because costs of providing online courses are much lower, compared with offline classes.
Especially beneficial for people from developing countries
For people from highly populated developing countries, this is great news. Very often our students complaining to us, that in their country, offline classes are always overpopulated and there are too many people, which makes it very hard to attend in such courses.
Also, there is no personality in such offline classes, lectures don’t have time and ability to answer everyone’s questions.
Usually, it is also very expensive, offline courses can cost 500- thousands of USD, depending on, what they cover. Few people from developing countries can afford such classes.
But online or distance export import courses can include the same material and much more and the best is, that online courses are 10X cheaper!
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Also, the online export course is personal, everyone can ask questions through email or online chat and the answer will be always available to you in your mailbox, so you no need to collect the conspects of papers.
Also, online export import courses are convenient and accessible at the time what is suitable for you. And you can learn material at home in the peaceful environment, without stress.
We sincerely believe, that in today’s digital world, the Online export import training courses are better than offline in most of the cases. Especially for people from the developing world, this present great opportunity.
A lot of people ask from us which are the best import export courses? People from India ask, which is the best export import course in Mumbai?
We would answer, no matter where you from, nowadays, the best export import courses are online.
Below are main advantages and disadvantages for online and offline export import training programs.
best export import courses are online nowadays
Online export import training course advantageS
- The convenient study, you can learn export import business when you have time for this.
- You can enroll immediately and start your course fastly, no need to wait your turn.
- Affordable, online export import training is usually 10X cheaper, compared to offline export courses.
- You can learn unique knowledge/experiences what not available in your country.
- Maximal personality and support, you can always ask questions online and you will get an answer.
- All materials and support answers are always available in your mailbox or training site. You can always re-read them.
- International connections for your business, online you can make great connections with other students worldwide. All this can be beneficial for your export-import business in future.
- International approaches and experiences. Online export training courses, made by foreigners, can give you totally differenct approaches and aspects and ideas, compared local courses.
Online export import training course DISadvantageS
- Harder to make sure is the course beneficial for you or not, a lot of scammers, frauds. ( Always follow our previous 6 points)
- Countries where online payments providers like Paypal are not allowed. You may face difficulties to enroll online course. ( African countries)
- In Countries which has poor and slow internet, it is hard to use online courses. Sometimes you need to go the location, which has faster internet.
The main problem with offline training is, that they are not personal

Online export import courses are not crowded like this
Offline export import training course advantageS
- Traditional, study method, which is better for the older generation, who are not active internet users.
- Sometimes an official certificate or diploma is required, if you want to apply for an export-import job, then sometimes the offline course is a better choice.
- Create local connections. Local offline courses allow you to meet people from your country.
Offline export import training course disadvantageS
- Usually, offline classes are made by lectures from your country. You won’t usually get international experiences or approached what you could get online.
- Usually, good offline export import training courses are expensive, full programs can cost thousands of USD,s.
- Courses are overpopulated, which makes the learning process less efficient.
- Good offline courses have are usually sold out. So you need to wait a long time when you can attend.
- Lectures cant answer everyone’s questions.
- You need to show off at a fixed time and place or you miss the lesson.
- You cant remember everything what lecture talk in the class, you need to make notes or record to save data.
We hope this article was helpful for you. Now you know how to determine best import export training if you want to start an export-import business. Check out our online export import training here.